My Articles
References to: "What We See, and What We Don't See"
by Carl R. Littmann

[1] D. L. Bergman, "Re: An Equilibrium Orbital Electron: Correspondence", Galilean Electrodynamics 9, 59-60 (1998) i.e. Bergman criticizes some claims "that space is warped"
[2] P. S. Laplace, Mecanique Celeste; Book X., Chap. VII, Sect. 22, English transl. by N. Bowditch, reprinted by Chelsea Publ., New York 1966, Vol. 4, pp. 642-645
[3] Ibid., Chap. VII, Sect. 21, English transl., Vol. 4, pp. 638-642
[4] J. C. Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. 2, p. 492, Dover Publications, Inc., New York (1954) i.e. Maxwell's statement about Cotes
[5] Ibid., Vol.2, p.493, i.e. Maxwell's statement about Torricelli
[6] Hablanian, M., "Vacuum," The Encyclopedia Americana International Edition, Vol. 27, pp. 854-855 (1995)
[7] "Democritus", Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 4, p. 6 (1989) i.e. Statement about full, without pores, homogeneous, incompressible
[8] Ibid., Statement about the "Void" with an "equal right" with physical "Being" to have some place for it in space, in contrast to the thinking of the "Eleatics"
[9] "Protagoras", The New Columbia Encyclopedia, p. 2228 (1975)
["Special footnote"] Radzievskii, V. V. and Kagainikova, I.I. Bull. Vsesoyuz. Astronomo. Geol.
Obshchestva. (Moscow) 26, 3 (1960)
Translation in U.S. Govt. tech. Report FTD-TT-64-323/1+2+4 (AD-601762)
(The information in this "special footnote" was provided to me through a web site, and I have not reviewed the original paper involved)

Please Note: If needed or desired, I will try to mail to anyone requesting, copies of my detailed handwritten notes which estimate the magnitude of the aether's characteristics, and other materials. These details were not included in this article simply to avoid clutter. The estimates were (and are) easy to make, but take time to make and read, and many readers lack such time.

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Carl R. Littmann

(Readers’ comments always welcome)
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